Volunteer Project in Argentina



This organization is a community center located in a poor area of Bariloche, which receives between 20 to 50 children per day. Several programs are developed for children and adolescences in both the social and educational area. The mission of the volunteer project in Bariloche is to keep children away from the streets and protect them from child labor in a way that is beneficial for the kids, their families, the schools and the society. The projects offer benefits to the community, while the volunteers gain an experience they will never forget.


When working for this volunteer program in Argentina, you will be engaged in the following activities:

  • Organize workshops such as art, music and theatre.
  • Help with homework and school tasks.
  • Provide kids with daily meals.
  • Help the staff with daily tasks related to the organization and administration of the project.


If you would like to work for this volunteer project in Bariloche you need to comply with the following requirements:

  • Intermediate-advanced level of Spanish (you will take Spanish classes in Bariloche during your first week of the program)
  • Commitment and dedication to the project
  • Flexibility (your exact duties might vary according to the needs of the project at the time of your placement)
    • Please bear in mind that the admission process is quite strict and that the final acceptance depends on the project coordinator.


The minimum time requested is 4 weeks.


You should have a good level of Spanish in order to partake in these projects. Therefore, the standard volunteer package consists of 1 week of Spanish classes prior to the start of the volunteer project. During your Spanish course you will not only improve your Spanish, but also get acquainted with the local culture and get prepared for your volunteer work.